The law of life is the law of belief. If you need to change your reality in relationships, then
you need to change your beliefs and go beyond the limitations by shifting your mindset.
Lesson 1: Introduction to the importance of Mastering your Mindset
Lesson 2: What is Mindset & Why Mindset is important in Relationships??
Lesson 3: Mindset Traits of Women in Healthy & Unhealthy Relationships.
Lesson 4: 3 Ways to shift your Mindset.
Lesson 5: Two Powerful Mindset tools that will shift your life.
Discover the secrets of creating everlasting attraction and great bond by balancing masculine
and feminine energies in the relationship
Lesson 1: What are Masculine & Feminine Energies??
Lesson 2: 10 Traits of Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine.
Lesson 3: Masculine & Feminine in Nature.
Lesson 4: Masculine & Feminine in Relationships.
Lesson 5: Wounded Masculine & Wounded Feminine.
Lesson 6: Red Flags & Green Flags to Identify in your Partner.
Lesson 7: Correlation of Wounded Masculine & Wounded Feminine.
Lesson 8: ‘RELIEF’ Feminine Method.
Lesson 9: Tap In to Your Feminine at 5 Levels.
Lesson 10: 3 Ways to Instantly Tap Into your Feminine and your Feminine Daily Checklist.
Learn how to express your feelings in a way your partner understands your heart. Set your
boundaries fearlessly and walk through conflicts with ease and clarity
Lesson 1: Walkthrough of Communication.
Lesson 2: The Importance of Communication.
Lesson 3: 4 Modes of Communication.
Lesson 4: Facts Vs Feelings.
Lesson 5: 5 C’s To Avoid While Communicating With Your Partner.
Lesson 6: How to Invite him from your Feminine Energy??
Lesson 7: Boundaries Vs Non – Negotiables.
Lesson 8: The (EI)2 Formula for Conflict Resolution.
Lesson 9: Emotional Regulation during Conflicts.
Lesson 10: Do’s & Don’ts while communicating with your partner.
Unlock 7 powerful steps that will give you a full picture of how happy and successful
relationships function. Become a Master in creating fulfilment in Love.
Lesson 1: Introduction.
Lesson 2: One Rule in Relationship.
Lesson 3: Two Energies to Balance In Love.
Lesson 4: Three Attachment Styles in Relationships.
Lesson 5: Four Role plays in Love.
Lesson 6: Five Love Languages.
Lesson 7: Six Layers of Emotional Attraction.
Lesson 8: Seven Essene Mirrors of Relationships.
The relationship you have with your partner is always an extension of the relationship with
yourself. Tap into your self-worth and unleash the potential within you
Lesson 1: ‘ME’ Formula
Lesson 2: Goal Setting.
Lesson 3: Non – Negotiable Daily Routine.
Lesson 4: Self Love Checklist.